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£1,500 AWARD

Caddlehill Allotment Gardens received a Sustainable Development Grant of £1,500 from the Inverclyde Windfarm Fund.

"Caddlehill Allotment Gardens provide 36 plots to members of the community who have a shared interest and commitment to gardening and provide a positive environment where people grow vegetables, flowers, and fruit.

"They currently have traditional composters around the allotment but producing a good source of compost can take more than a year.

"The production of compost is therefore variable and not everyone is committed to it.

"The grant will be used to purchase a number of 200-litre hot composters which will create a more sustainable approach to gardening in the community setting where plot holders can learn more efficient composting methods and share the home-grown compost.

"The project will contribute to sustainable development in the area by reducing the amount of green waste going to landfill.

“The use of a hot compost bin can divert 150kg waste from landfill each year.

"We will cut down the amount of peat-based compost and reduce the impact on climate change. Heat generation will kill weeds seeds and allow us to trial the compost for seed germination.” 

Anne McKinney, Secretary. 

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